3 DIY Homemade Face Masks Made With Leftover Pumpkin

This is the season of pumpkin spice and everything nice, oh and pumpkins galore! From leftover pumpkins from your Thanksgiving dinner to the innards of your Halloween Jack O’ Lanterns, you may be left wondering what to do with all that leftover pumpkin…

Of course you can add it to desserts and pumpkin spice lattes, but if you’ve had your dose of pumpkin to last you until next year then why not use your leftover pumpkin for some awesome DIY homemade face masks?


Pumpkins are packed in vitamins, minerals and nutrients including Vitamin A, beta-carotene, vitamins C, K and E, potassium, iron and magnesium, all of which work together to provide some excellent skin benefits. These vitamins fight free radicals, hydrate the skin, improve skin tone and brighten the complexion. Pumpkin is also fantastic for troubled skin as it’s brimming in zinc, a mineral that controls hormone levels and oil production, and fights inflammation in the skin.

Keep reading for three recipes you can try using your leftover pumpkins. There’s one for every skin type!




1/2 cup cooked pumpkin leftover (If you have no idea how to cook pumpkin then this may help you out)

2  tbsp raw, lukewarm honey

2 tbsp milk

2 teaspoons brown sugar

1 tbsp coconut oil (optional)



Simply combine all these ingredients together in a medium bowl. To make it even easier, you can throw them into your food processor or blender for the smoothest consistency.

Scrub in gentle, circular motions all over your skin and leave for 15 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.


BEST RESULTS: steam face first and apply face mask on moist skin.

Follow up with our Vata Face Oil to lock the nutrients into your skin and to really amp up your hydration levels.




1/2 cup cooked pumpkin leftover

2 whole eggs

2 tbsp milk

2 teaspoons brown sugar

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice



Combine ingredients in a bowl or food processor until a smooth paste is formed.

Scrub in gentle, circular motions all over your skin and leave for 15 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.


BEST RESULTS: steam face first and apply face mask on moist skin.

Follow up with our Kapha Face oil.




1/2 cup cooked pumpkin leftover

2 egg whites

2 tbsp milk

2 tbsp yogurt

1 tbsp oatmeal

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice




Combine ingredients in a bowl or food processor until a smooth paste is formed.

Apple an even layer all over the face (don’t scrub) and allow to set for 15 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.


BEST RESULTS: steam face first and apply face mask on moist skin.

Follow up with our Pitta Face Oil.


These are perfect face masks to do with your friends to help get you in the halloween spirit and of course, to really treat your skin!


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